duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

My life according to...P!NK

Am vazut acest tag demult  la Aurora Toma si mi-a placut foarte mult si acum mi-am amintit de el si am vrut sa-l completez si eu.
Practic trebuie sa raspunzi la fiecare intrebare cu titlul unei melodii de la un singur artist.
Eu am ales-o pe P!nk din simplul motiv ca o iubesc.Mi se pare o artista minunata care are mereu ceva de transmis.Ascult de multi ani melodiile ei si are foarte multe in care ma regasesc.
Sper sa va placa!

Are you a male or female?  Stupid Girl
Describe Yourself   Don't let me get me
How do you feel? Just like a pill
Describe where you currently live Where did the beat go
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Funhouse
Your favorite form of transportation  Run
Your best friend? Perfect
You and your best friend are Crystal Ball
What's the weather like? Glitter in the air
Favorite time of day The great escape
If your life was a TV show what would it be called? Family portrait
What is life to you?  Who knew
Your relationship  Love song
Your fear  Please don't leave me
What is the best advice you have to give? Try
Thought for the day Get the party started
My motto Just give me a reason

Mai jos am ales 5 dintre melodiile mele preferate:

Love song

Don't let me get me

Where did the beat go
True Love

Crystal Ball

Have fun!

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